Visiting Fellows at Jackman Humanities Institute

Three doctoral fellows from the CHR have been hosted by the Jackman Humanities Institute at the University of Toronto since October 2018. Lee Walters, Sam Longford, and Phokeng Setai have all been working closely with colleagues at the JHI on their research projects as part of the ‘Aesthetic Education: A South-North Dialogue’ partnership between the CHR and the JHI.
These visiting scholars have had both the opportunity to present their work to audiences at the JHI as well as benefit from mentorship from scholars in their fields. Walters, whose project is titled Democratising South African Arts Institutions: An Auto-ethnographic Analysis of three South African Arts Networks, has been under the mentorship of Rinaldo Walcott of the University of Toronto’s Women’s and Gender Studies. Setai has been mentored by Rubén Gaztambide-Fernandez of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education on his project Contemporary Art in the Global South: Postcolonial Uprising or Decolonial Disruption?.
Similarly, Eric Cazdyn of the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto has mentored Sam Longford, whose project is titled The Un/Timely Death(s) of Chris Hani: Disicpline, Spectrality, and the Haunting Possibility of Return. Sam has also presented his research in November to the Museums and Public History sector at the JHI, which is a part of a number of sections which make up the Aesthetic Education: A South-North Dialogue’ partnership between the CHR and the JHI..