Truth and Reconciliation Commission Workshop

As part of a three-year collaborative venture with the CHR and the Jackman Humanities Institute (JHI) at the University of Toronto, centred on the theme “Aesthetic Education: A South-North Dialogue”, scholars, artists, researchers and graduate students from UWC took part in a workshop on truth and reconciliation commissions.
The workshop, which was held at the Woodlands Cultural Center on the land of the Six Nations of the Grand River in Brandfort, Canada, took place on 20-21 October 2016. It set into motion a series of conversations around truth commissions and their unique regional significance in the respective cases of both South Africa and Canada. In particular, the workshop infused the conversation with the pertinent questions surrounding aesthetics, politics and nation, in keeping with the theme of the collaboration between the CHR and the JHI.
University of Toronto student Carol Drumm has written a detailed report of the proceedings and the discussions that continue. Read it in full at the link below: