The British Academy/National Research Foundation UK-SA Bilateral Digital Humanities Chair in Cultures of Technology, held by Professor Premesh Lalu in the Centre for Humanities Research (CHR), convenes an international study network that traces how the exercise of power relates to the co-evolution of the human and technology.

Specifically, we are interested to understand the consequences of technology on culture. To this end, our study is focused on how humanistic discourse and arts practices mediates understandings of the expansion in technological resources in the scientific revolutions from the nineteenth century to the present. The chair invites graduate students, faculty, and artists in residence at the CHR and UWC more broadly an inquiry of the cultural effects of scientific revolutions in thermodynamics, psychotechnics/psychophysics, and cybernetics, and their consequences for debates about techno-feudalism, partition and difference, ecology and environmentality, biopolitics, life philosophy, magical realism, and science fiction amongst others.

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