March 4, 2021

Animations and Activations: A Workshop Toward Embodying Memory Through Puppets and Plants

On 9 March 2021, the CHR’s Jane Taylor and Aja Marneweck will be participating in the puppetry workshop Animations and Activations with William Ellis (Dept. of Anthropology, UWC) and Marcus Neustetter as part of the Tri-Continental Partnership between the University of Missouri, the University of the Western Cape, and Ghent University.
March 1, 2021

A Walk with Elephants: Puppets Come to Boschendal!

The CHR’s Ukwanda Puppet and Design Company and NIHSS special artist in residence fellow Aja Marneweck will be presenting a line-up of puppetry workshops, an exhibition of puppets, and a walking public performance with partners Net vir Pret at the Boschendal Plum Harvest Festival on the weekend of 13 and 14 March.
February 5, 2021

40th Anniversary of the Handspring Puppet Company

Friday February 5th marks the 40th anniversary for the Handspring Puppet Company, collaborators in the aesthetic endeavours of the CHR, most particularly as creative mentors to the Ukwanda Puppetry and Design Collective, as well as the Laboratory of Kinetic Objects (LoKO).