Sexual Violence: Remembering, Representing, Resisting

Women’s and Gender Studies with the Centre for Humanities’ Factory of the Arts and the Laboratory of Kinetic Objects (LoKO), Faculty of Arts Invite you to a Dialogue on Troubling Seasons of Hate:
Please join us for the performance of Unbroken Silence, directed by Artist-in-residence, Pumeza Rashe-Matoti, Centre for Humanities Research, Factory of the Arts. Through poetry, music and story-telling four women break the silence that continues to surround women’s experiences of male violence. The performance will be followed by a dialogue with gender scholars Prof Floretta Boonzaier (UCT), Prof Kopano Ratele (UNISA/MRC), Dr Redi Koobak (University of Linkoping) and participants.
DATE: Monday 26 March 2018
TIME: 12.30 – 4.00 pm
Dialogues on Troubling Seasons of Hate is a series of national dialogues at different universities initiated by the Wits Centre for Diversity Studies, (WICDs), Wits University
This event is hosted by the Mellon funded Project on New Imaginaries of Gender and Sexual Justice, Women’s and Gender Studies, University of the Western Cape and funded by WICDS.
A light lunch will be served from 12.30 p.m.
RSVP: Mawaddah Abrahams /Tammy Shefer phone: 0219592234