Public Lecture and seminar series by Erich Hörl.

Public lecture:

Wednesday 26 March

Time: 6:00pm


Tuesday 18 March
Thursday 20 March
Tuesday 25 March
Thursday 27 March

Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm


The CHR’s Iyatsiba Lab,
66 Greatmore Street, Woodstock
(enter via Regents Road)

CHR Extraordinary Professor, Erich Hörl, will be giving a series of seminars and a public lecture in March at the CHR’s Iyatsiba Lab.

This seminar series and lecture are based on Hörl’s research on the current conjunture where questions of disruption poses a key problem for critical theory and the humanities more generally.

Under the title ‘Critique of Environmentality’, the seminars will discuss terms that are central to an investigation of this power-form, and will conclude with a public lecture titled ‘The Disruptive Condition and the Care of Philosophy’. This lecture outlines the Disruptive Condition as a regime of historicity that has begun to organize anthropocenic life since the 1970s, but the escalation of which we are experiencing today in the form of liquidating institutional structures, social relations and every form of futurity. The lecture reflects on Bernard Stiegler’s redefinition of thinking as a work of caring which responds to the epochal challenge of this regime. What is meant by the care of philosophy? To what end, from where and on what grounds is philosophy still practiced today? The lecture focuses on the contouring of this question, which can only be posed as a historical question on the ground –– or better in the abyss –– of the Disruptive Condition.

For more information about the seminar series and public lecture: