Pedagogies of Repair

The CHR's Maurits van Bever Donker will take part in an expert panel at the University of Oxford on Friday 21 July, 2023 (11:00 – 15:00 BST).
The panel asks: What does it mean to work with a concept like ‘repair’? What kinds of intervention, and what kinds of teaching and learning does it enable in this particular moment, and in the particular places in which we work? What comes with, and what comes after repair; what is the work of repair, in the wake of – and in the enduring presence of – the harm done by the legacies of partition that scar our time? Can repair usefully be thought of as a pursuit, or a form of practice, rather than as an arrival? If so, how do pedagogies of repair relate to the changing, potentially transformative practices, pedagogies, and places of reading, translation, adaptation, and performance?
This conversation will begin to open these questions, and others, in relation to the leading-edge work by scholars and artists in very different and yet resonant locations – this time in Oxford.