Pan Troglodyte to travel to the Université Paris

The Andrew W Mellon Chair of Aesthetic Theory and Material Performance, Professor Jane Taylor, was invited to present the performance/lecture “Pan Troglodyte” at the Universite Paris 8 in November. The performance was staged for the post-graduate anthropology seminar on the Anthropology of Colonial Heritage.The performance was at the joint invitation of the consortium made up of the Colonial Heritage axis of Maurice Halbwachts Centre in association with the Paris Panthéon Sorbonne; the department of Plastic arts of the University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis; the Department of Social Science of the ENS, Humboldt Universitåt zu Berlin; and the research axis “Heritage processes, uses and museumization of the past; Centre of regional francophone de recherches advancés en science sociales, University of Bucharest. The contact will also result in a special edition of the Journal “Slaveries and Post-Slaveries”.