On Non Western Marxisms

The Other Universals consortium engages with anti-imperial political and cultural thought, internationalist intellectual traditions and practices of solidarity that have emerged from locations marked by the struggle to refuse subordination and negation as embodied in blackness, Orientalism, untouchability and non-normative sexualities in 19th and 20th century Africa, the Caribbean, the Middle East, South Asia and Latin America.
Date: August 31, 2023
3:30pm – 5pm (SAST)
7pm – 8:30 (IST)
2:30pm – 4pm (BST)
9:30am -11am (EDT)
In this seminar we explore the relationship of Marxism/s to race, ethnicity, religion and sexuality? What can a living tradition of left thinking on labour and Marxist thought proffer our current imaginings of a future beyond colonial modernity?
Passcode: Fy%wQCe3
Professor Aditya Nigam
(formerly with the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi)
Prof. Aditya Nigam is a political theorist, formerly with the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi. Long associated with the Left movement, he has had an abiding interest in social and political movements and theoretical and philosophical questions related to social transformation. His recent work has been concerned with the decolonization of social and political theory.
He is the author of The Insurrection of Little Selves: The Crisis of Secular Nationalism in India (2006), Power and Contestation: India Since 1989, with Nivedita Menon (2007), After Utopia: Modernity, Socialism and the Postcolony (2010), and Desire Named Development (2011), Decolonizing Theory: Thinking Across Traditions (2020). Border-Marxisms and Historical Materialism: Untimely Encounters (2023)
Dr Musab Younis
(Queen Mary University of London, England)
Dr Musab Younis is a writer and scholar of international political thought whose work explores race, imperial history and anticolonialism. He is the author of On the Scale of the World: The Formation of Black Anticolonial Thought (University of California Press, 2022). His essays have appeared in the London Review of Books, n+1 and Prospect. He is a senior lecturer in politics and international relations at Queen Mary University of London.
Dr Asanda Benya
(University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Dr Asanda Benya is a senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her work focuses on the intersection of gender, class and race. She has published in labour and feminist journals in areas of women in mining, gender and the extractive industries, labour and social movements, social and economic justice. She is currently working on a book project based on her ethnographic study on women underground miners. She is the co-editor of the multivolume series on lives and the afterlives of extractions (Brill, 2023).