List of Articles (2016-present)

Staff and Fellows of the Centre for Humanities Research regularly publish articles and reviews in local and international journals, applying the centre’s intellectual inquiries across a wide range of disciplines and interests.
The list below represents the latter years of the centre’s output, since 2016.
Assubuji, Rui. “Atlas of an Empire: Photographic Narrations and the Visual Struggle for Mozambique.” Kronos: Southern African Histories, vol. 46 (Nov. 2020), special edition Other Lives of the Image
Benya, Asanda-Jonas, and Sithandiwe Yeni. “Co-developing Local Feminist ‘Conceptual Vocabularies’ While Strengthening Activism Through Critical Consciousness Raising with South Africa’s Mine and Farm Women.” South African Review of Sociology (2022)
Bidandi, Fred, and John J. Williams. “The Challenges Facing Urbanisation Processes in Kampala.” Urban Forum, Issue 3 (3017).
Bidandi, Fred, and John J. Williams. “Understanding Urban Land, Politics, and Planning: A Critical Appraisal of Kampala’s Urban Sprawl.” Cities, vol. 106 (Nov. 2020)
Bidandi, Fred, and Nicolette Roman. “Social Cohesion as an External Factor Affecting Families: An Analysis of the White Paper on Families in South Africa.” Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development, vol. 32, no. 3 (2020)
Bidandi, Fred, Anthony Nforh Ambe, and Claudia Haking Mukong. “Insights and Current Debates on Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions: Perspectives on the University of the Western Cape.” SAGE Open (April-June 2021)
Bidandi, Fred, John J. Williams, and Jianfa Shen. “The terrain of Urbanisation Process and Policy Frameworks: A Critical Analysis of the Kampala Experience.” Cogent Social Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1 (2017)
Bidandi, Fred. “Geopolitics, Political Violence, and Identity: Perspectives on the Great Lakes Region in East Africa.” Peace Studies Journal, vol. 11, no. 1 (2018).
Bidandi, Fred. “Migration Violence in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: Negotiating the Return of Refugees.” Alternation Journal, vol. 26 (2019)
Bidandi, Fred. “Understanding Refugee Durable Solutions by International Players: Does Dialogue form a Missing Link?” Cogent Social Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1 (2018)
Burocco, Laura (2021) ‘Reflection on the Future and Past of Decolonization: Africa and Latin America’, Third Texts.
Burocco, Laura. “The Forest on the Walls: Notes on Indigenous Street Art.” Nuart Journal, Issue 5 – Lockdown (May 2021)
Burocco, Laura. “CURA e Vozes Contra o Racismo: Pratiche Artistiche e Curatoriali di Contro Colonizzazione dal Sud” Roots§routes Research on Visual Culture
Dubbeld, Bernard, and Fernanda Pinto de Almeida. “Government by Grants: The Post-pandemic Politics of Welfare.” Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, vol. 104 (2020)
Erasmus, Aidan, and Lauren van der Rede, “Reckoning with Africa and the Desire for a Global Mnemoscape.” Global-e, vol. 12, no. 13 (2019), special issue Mnemonic Solidarity in the Global Memory Space
Erasmus, Aidan, and Valmont Layne. ‘Oral/Aural: Pastness and Sound as Medium and Method’. Kronos 49, no. 1 (2023): 1–14. Oral/Aural: Pastness and Sound as Medium and Method
Erasmus, Aidan. “A Sinister Resonance.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, vol. 45, no. 4 (Dec. 2018) doi:10.1353/crc.2018.0061
Erasmus, Aidan. “To the Technical Media Themselves: A Review Essay of Wolfgang Ernst’s Sonic Time Machines.” Kronos: Southern African Histories, vol. 43 (2017), special issue What is the University in Africa For?
Forrest, Caili. “What’s in a name? A Feminist Reflection on Street Name Changes in Durban.” Agenda, vol. 32, no. 2 (2018)
Gilburt, Iona. “A Machine in the Loop: The Peculiar Intervention of
Artificial Intelligence in Writer’s Block.” New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 2023
Gilburt, Iona. “Writing Photographs Ethically: Strategies of Ekphrasis in J.M. Coetzee’s Prose.” Journal of Modern Literature, vol. 46 no. 2, 2023, p. 82-96. Project MUSE,
Gilburt, Iona. “Bringing the Vietnam War Home: A Study of Photographic Media in J. M. Coetzee’s Dusklands.” Safundi, vol. 20, no. 4 (2019)
Gilburt, Iona. “Rewriting Dusklands: The Narrative of Marilyn Dawn.” New Writing (First Published May 2020)
Gilburt, Iona. “The Phototextual Emergence of Hysteria: From the Iconographie Photographique de la Salpêtrière to J. M. Coetzee’s Slow Man.” Kronos: Southern African Histories, vol. 46 (Nov. 2020), special edition Other Lives of the Image
Gimenez Amoros, Luis. “Beyond Nationhood: Haul Music from a Postcolonial Perspective in Western Sahara and Mauritania.” African Music: Journal of the International Library of African Music, vol. 11, no. 2 (2020)
Gimenez Amoros, Luis. “The Digital Return of ILAM´s Zimbabwean Recordings: Revitalisation of the Sound Archive through the Postcolonial Engagement between ILAM and African Universities.” Archives and Records, vol. 40, no. 3 (2019)
Graham, Aubrey P. “Hostile Visual Encounters: Fighting to Control Photographic Meaning in the DRC’s Digital Age.” Africa, vol. 89, no. 2 (May 2019)
Grunebaum, Heidi (2022) ‘On returning to my grandmother’s land (notes for a film)’, herri. 7.
Grunebaum, Heidi. “Between Nakba, Shoah and Apartheid: Reflections on Complicity and Memory” Peripherie, vol. 159/160, no. 40 (2020)
Grunebaum, Heidi. “Debates on Memory Politics and Counter-Memory Practices in South Africa in the 1990s.” Education as Change, vol. 22, no. 2 (2018), special issue Community and Activist Archives
Gurney, Kim, Muyanga, Neo, and Pieterse, E. (2022) ‘The Creative Politics of Legibility’, Public Culture, 32 (3).
Gurney, Kim. “The Mogul, His Meerkat, and the Meerkat’s Second Life.” e-flux Architecture (Dec. 2021)
Gurney, Kim. “Offscreen: Making It and Faking It.” Writingplace Journal, Reading(s) and Writing(s), vol. 3 (2019)
Gurney, Kim. Introductory to “Decolonizing Your Island Imaginary: Preparations for a Novella in Four Parts” by Hélène Frichot, Writingplace Journal, Reading(s) and Writing(s), vol. 3, 2019
Gurney, Kim.“Zombie monument: Public art and Performing the Present.” Urban Geography of the Arts, vol. 77 (2018) special issue Cities,
Hadebe, Rutendo. Review of Elusive Jannah: The Somali Diaspora and Borderless Muslim Identity by Cawo M. Abdi (University of Minnesota Press), Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, vol. 34, no. 2 (2018)
Hayes, Patricia, and Iona Gilburt. “Other Lives of the Image.” Kronos: Southern African Histories, vol. 46 (Nov. 2020), special issue Other Lives of the Image
Hayes, Patricia. “Memory Burns.” Signals: UWC Research Magazine, edition 1 (Nov. 2020)
Hayes, Patricia. “Photographic Publics and Photographic Desires in 1980s South Africa.” Photographies, vol. 10, vol. 3 (Autumn 2017), special issue 1980’s Photography
Hayes, Patricia. “The Production of Red: Aesthetics, Work and Time.” Kronos, vol 42 (2016), special issue Red Assembly: The Work Remains
Hayes, Patricia. “Zenzo Nkobi, ZAPU Photographer: Exile, Visibility and the Anteroom of War in Zambia, 1977–1980.” Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 46, no. 5 (2020)
Hayes, Patricia, ‘Lines and betrayals: the colonial occupation of the Kwanyama kingdom and postmortem photographs of Mandume ya Ndemufayo (1917)’ in Photographies,17: 1-2 (2024), 129-144. doi/full/10.1080/17540763.2023.2271008
Hayes, Patricia. Response to Ajay Skaria, ‘Presentism? Democracy between the historical, genealogical, and historial’ in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (CSSAAME) ‘Borderlands,’ March 2024, at Response III: “Presentism? Democracy between the historical, genealogical, and historial”” — Borderlines
Highman, Kate. “(Dis) Avowals of Tradition: The Question of Plagiarism in Zakes Mda’s The Heart of Redness.” Research in African Literatures, vol. 47, no. 3 (Fall 2016)
Kondo, Tinashe. “Judicial Overreach in Protecting the Right to Housing in South Africa? A Review of Fisher v Unlawful Occupiers, Erf 150, Phillipi.” ESR Review, vol. 19 (2018)
Kondo, Tinashe. “Socio-economic Rights in Post-Mugabe Zimbabwe.” Economic & Social Rights Review in Africa, vol. 19 (2018).
Kondo, Tinashe. “Socio-economic rights in Zimbabwe: Trends and emerging jurisprudence” in African Human Rights Law Journal, vol. 17, no. 1 (2017)
Fataar, Aslam ; Motala, Shireen ; Keet, Andre ; Lalu, Premesh ; Nuttall, Sarah ; Menon, Kirti & Staphorst, Luan (2023). The university in techno-rational times: Critical university studies, South Africa. Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (7): 835-843.
Lalu, Premesh, “Re-imagining the University After Apartheid,” Southern African Review of Education Vol.1, no. 1 (2023).
Lalu, Premesh and Bhabha, Homi (2022) ‘Temporalities of race and translational memory’, South African Journal of Science, 118 (2).
Lalu, Premesh (2021) ‘In the Event of History: Reading the Mime of Memory in the Present of Public History’. Kronos: Journal of Southern African Histories, Special Issue on “iMpuma-Koloni / Eastern Cape: Part 1,” 48 (1).
Fataar, A., Motala, S., Keet, A., Lalu, Premesh, Nuttall, S, Menon, K., & Staphorst, L. (2022) ‘The university in techno-rational times: Critical universities studies, South Africa’, Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Lalu, Premesh. “An Archive of the Future.” Signals: UWC Research Magazine, edition 1 (Nov. 2020)
Lalu, Premesh. “Between History and Apocalypse: Stumbling” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, vol. 15, no. 1 (2016)
Lalu, Premesh. “Breaking the Mold of Disciplinary Area Studies.” Africa Today, vol. 63, no. 2 (Winter 2016)
Lalu, Premesh. “The Enchantment of Freedom at the University of the Western Cape.” Signals: UWC Research Magazine, edition 1 (Nov. 2020)
Lalu, Premesh. “Thinking Across Hemispheres: Further Notes on Oversights and Blind Spots in Disciplinary African Studies.” Afrika Focus, vol. 31, no. 2 (2018)
Lalu, Premesh. “Unlearning History: Europe in the Wake of African Political Thought.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, vol. 36, no.1 (May 2016)
Lalu, Premesh. “What is the University For?” Critical Times, vol. 2, no. 1 (2019)
Layne, Valmont, and Sylvia Bruinders. ‘Tracing the Indian Ocean at the Cape Locating Performance and Writing Practices of the Cape Muslim Community’. In Sounding the Indian Ocean: Musical Circulations in the Afro-Asiatic Seascape, edited by J. Sykes and J. Byl. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2023. Sounding the Indian Ocean
Layne, Valmont. ‘Performing the Struggle against Apartheid – Opposing Apartheid on Stage: King Kong the Musical by Tyler Fleming. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2020. Pp. 428. 130.00, Hardcover (ISBN: 97815804698520) 65.00, e-Book (ISBN: 9781787446564)’. The Journal of African History, February 2023, 1–3. The Journal of African History | Cambridge Core
Longford, Samuel. “Governing the Ungovernable: Performing and Contesting Chris Hani’s Legacy at the Hani Memorial.” Journal of southern African Studies, vol. 46, no. 5 (2020)
Longford, Samuel. “Putting Gestures to Work: Georges Didi-Huberman, Uprisings.” Kronos: Southern African Histories, vol. 46 (Nov. 2020), special edition Other Lives of the Image
Longford, Samuel. (2024) ‘Remembering Chris Hani: Biography, agency and political life today’, Safundi, 1-6,
Lusaka, Mwayi. “Memory, Oral History and Conservation at Robben Island’s Bluestone Quarry.” South African Historical Journal, vol. 69, no. 4 (2017)
Scott, Lwando, ‘African Masculinities’, in T_he Palgrave Encyclopedia of Sexuality Education._ (Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2024).
Mamdani, Mahmood, Lyn Ossome, Suren Pillay (eds), “Our Mission”, The MISR Review, vol. 1, no. 1 (2016).
Marco, Derilene. Review of I Afrikaner, directed by Annalet Steenkamp. African Studies Review, vol. 60, no. 1 (2017)
Marneweck, Aja (2022) ‘Puppets, rivers and a vision of the Final Spring’, Puppetry International, 52.
Marneweck, Aja (2022) ‘Animatazine meets Aja Marneweck: Africa Edition’, Animatazine 1.
Marneweck, Aja. “On the 10-year Anniversary of the Barrydale Giant Puppet Parade South Africa: A Conversation Between Parade Creative Directors Aja Marneweck and Sudonia Kouter.” Applied Theatre Research, vol. 8, no. 1 (2020)
Marneweck, Aja. “The Barrydale Giant Puppet Parade: Mobilising Creative Ecologies in the Klein Karoo, South Africa.” Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, vol. 25, no. 2 (2020, first published online 2019)
Marneweck, Aja. “Mobilizing a New Universal: The Walking art of Giant Puppetry.” Manip: Le Journal de la Marionnette, vol. 66 (2021)
Minkley, Emma, ‘If you love me when I’m breathing; you don’t love me when I’m dead?’ in Kronos: Southern African Histories, 49 (1): 1-14. If you love me when I’m breathing; you don’t love me when I’m dead?
Munguambe, Clinarete. “Nationalism and Exile in an Age of Solidarity: Frelimo–ZANU Relations in Mozambique (1975–1980).” Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 43, no. 1 (2017)
Naidoo, Kiasha. “Neoliberalism’s Last Breath: Thinking Politico-economic Well-being During and Beyond COVID-19” Revista de Filosofie Aplicată, vol. 3 (Summer 2020)
Naidoo, Kiasha. Review of Pandemic! COVID-19 Shakes the World, by Slavoj Žižek (OR Books), Teaching Philosophy, vol. 44, no. 3 (2021)
Ndhlovu, Bongani. “Reconnoitring Alternative Forms of Resistance to Apartheid South Africa, c 1966-1979 and Beyond: A Case of An Individual.” South African Historical Journal, vol. 69, no. 2 (2017)
Nefdt, Ryan M. “The Ontology of Words: a Structural Approach.” Inquiry, vol. 62, no. 8 (2019)
Nefdt, Ryan M. “Why Philosophers should do Semantics (and a bit of syntax too): a Reply to Cappelen.” Review of Philosophy and Psychology, vol. 10, no.1 (2019)
Nefdt, Ryan M. Review of Recursion: A Computational Investigation into the Representation and Processing of Language, by David Lobina (Oxford University Press), The Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 69, no. 274 (2019).
Nefdt, Ryan M. Review of Semantics, Metasemantics, Aboutness, by Ori Simchen (Oxford University Press), The Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 69, no. 277 (2019)
Nefdt, Ryan M. Review of The Social Evolution of Human Nature: From Biology to Language, by Harry Smit (Cambridge University Press), The Philosophical Quarterly. vol. 69, no. 277 (2019)
Nony, Anaïs. “Against Walt Disney’s Corporate Education: Walter Breckenridge’s Nature Films as Scientific Investigation.” The Moving Image: The Journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2019)
Nony, Anaïs. “Technologies of Neo-Colonial Epistemes.” Philosophy Today, vol. 63, no. 3 (2019)
Pillay, Suren. “The Humanities to Come: Thinking the World from Africa.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, vol. 37, no. 1 (2017)
Pillay, Suren. “The Problem of Colonialism: Assimilation, Difference, and Decolonial Theory in Africa.” Critical Times, vol. 4, no. 3 (Dec. 2021)
Pillay, Suren. Review of The Impossible Machine: A Genealogy of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission by Adam Sitze (University of Michigan Press), Law and Society, vol. 50, no. 3 (2016)
Pillay, Suren. “Thinking the State from Africa: Political Theory, Eurocentrism and Concrete Politics.” Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, vol. 45, no. 1 (2018)
Pillay, Suren, and Carlos Fernandes. “Transmission, Obligation and Movement: An Interview with Souleymane Bachir Diagne.” Social Dynamics, vol. 42, no. 3 (2016)
Pinto de Almeida, Fernanda, “Rhabia” Kronos, 2024.
Pinto de Almeida, Fernanda, “Projecting change: foreign investment in South Africa and the relaxation of Apartheid’s labour laws” in AM Research Methods: Ethnic and Indigenous Studies (Marlborough: AM, 2024).
Pinto de Almeida, Fernanda, ‘Policing pastime: child audiences, cinemas and segregation of leisure in South Africa’, in Utsa Mukherjee (Ed.) Childhoods & Leisure: Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Dialogues. (Palgrave, 2023).
Pinto de Almeida, Fernanda, ‘A “Poor Man’s Pleasure”: The Cinema House and Its Publics in Twentieth Century South Africa’ Critical Arts, 3&4 (2022).
Pinto de Almeida, Fernanda, ‘No lastro da imagem: o cinema e a construção do espaço público na Cidade do Cabo’, Revista Africa, 43 (2022).
Pinto de Almeida, Fernanda (2022) ‘The drive-in and the desegregation of cinemas in Apartheid Cape Town’, Journal of Southern African Studies.
Pinto de Almeida, Fernanda and Erasmus, Aidan (2022) ‘Cinema and the idea of fieldwork in Sol Plaatje’s research journeys’, History in Africa.
Pinto de Almeida, Fernanda (2021) ‘Seeing with the ‘Mother theatre’: the sea and the cinemas of Cape Town’s city centre’, Social Dynamics, 47 (1): 136-153.
Scott, Lwando, (2023). “Trans in Transformative Constitutionalism”, Afrika Focus, Vol. 36, 58-74 (Eds).
Scott, Lwando. “Inxeba (The Wound), Queerness and Xhosa Culture.” Journal of African Cultural Studies, vol. 33, no. 1 (2021, first published Dec. 2020)
Scott, Lwando. Review of Ambiguous Pleasures: Sexuality and Middle Class Self-perceptions in Nairobi, by Rachel Spronk (Berghahn Books), Africa, vol. 90 , no. 3 (May 2020)
Scott, Lwando. Review of The Long Emancipation: Moving toward Black Freedom, by Rinaldo Walcott (Duke University Press)
Smith, Michelle (2021) ‘Another Image of Community.’ Kronos: Journal of Southern African Histories, 47 (1).
Smith, Michelle. “Interment: Re-framing the Death of the Red Location Museum Building (2006-2013).” Kronos: Southern African Histories, vol. 42 (2016)
Swati, Arora (2021) ‘A manifesto to decentre theatre and performance studies’, Studies in Theatre and performance, 41 (1).
Swati, Arora (2021) ‘Walk in India and South Africa: notes towards a decolonial and transnational feminist politics’, South African Theatre Journal, 33 (1).
Sweet, Paige. “Marking Locality: Inscribing Gendered Subjectivity through Kgebetli Moele’s Untitled.” Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, vol. 47, no. 1-2 (2016)
Sweet, Paige. “The Renewed Work of Copies.” Parallax, vol. 22, no. 2 (2016)
Sykes, Pam, and Daniela Gachago. “Creating ‘safe-ish’ Learning Spaces – Attempts to Practice an Ethics of Care.” South African Journal of Higher Education, vol. 32, no. 6 (2018)
Taylor, Jane “Occupational hazards.” Kronos: Southern African Histories, vol. 43 (2017), special issue What is the university in Africa for?
Taylor, Jane. “PAN: A Performance Lecture.” Critical Times, vol. 2, no. 3 (2019)
Taylor, Jane. “Shadow of the Object May be a Sound Seeing Voices in William Kentridge,” on the Kentridge exhibition at the ZeitzMOCAA and Norval Museums, ArtAfrica, 2019
Tollon, Fabio, and Kiasha Naidoo. “On and Beyond Artifacts in Moral Relations: Accounting for Power and Violence in Coeckelbergh’s Social Relationism.” AI & SOCIETY (2021)
Treffry-Goatley, Astrid, Richard Lessells, Pam Sykes, et al. “Understanding Specific Contexts of Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence in Rural South Africa: A Thematic Analysis of Digital Stories from a Community with High HIV Prevalence.” PLOS ONE, vol. 11, no. 2 (2016)
Tropp, Jacob. “Transnational Development Training and Native American ‘Laboratories’ in the Early Cold War.” Journal of Global History, vol. 13, no. 3 (Nov. 2018)
Truscott, Ross (2022) ‘Culture and the Unconscious’, Psychoanalysis and History, 24 (2).
Truscott, Ross (2022) ‘Audit’s unconscious: Managerialism’s memory traces’, Social Dynamics, special issue on “Apartheid and the Unconscious.”
Truscott, Ross, Minkley, G, and Pohlandt-McCormick, H. (2022) ‘iMpuma-Koloni Bearings: An Other Cape?’, Kronos: Southern African Histories, 47 (2).
Truscott, Ross, van Bever Donker, Maurits, and Hook, D. (2022) ‘Apartheid and the Unconscious: An Introduction’, Social Dynamics: Journal of African Studies, special issue on “Apartheid and the Unconscious”.
Truscott, Ross, Minkley, Gary, and Pohlandt-McCormick Helena (2022) Kronos: Journal of Southern African Histories, 48, “iMpuma-Koloni / Eastern Cape: Part 2.”
Truscott, Ross, and van Bever Donker, Maurits (2022) Social Dynamics: Journal of African Studies. Special issue on “Apartheid and the Unconscious”
Truscott, Ross (2021) ‘Frontier Mail: The Liberal Subject and the Post Office in South African History.’ Kronos: Journal of Southern African Histories, 47 (1).
Truscott, Ross, Minkley, Gary, & Pohlandt-McCormick, Helena. (2021) Editors’ Introduction: iMpuma-Koloni / Eastern Cape, Part I. Kronos: Southern African Histories, 47 (1), special issue on “iMpuma-Koloni Bearings: An Other Cape?”
Truscott, Ross “Dreaming from the Perspective of Everyone” Subjectivity, vol. 13 (2020).
Truscott, Ross, and Maurits van Bever Donker. “What is the University in Africa for?” Kronos: South African Histories, vol. 43 (2017), special issue What is the University in Africa for?
Truscott, Ross, and Michelle Smith. “Aftershocks: Psychotechnics in the Wake of Apartheid.” Parallax, vol. 22, no.2 (2016)
Truscott, Ross. “A Rattle: On the Other Frontier, and Chabani Manganyi’s ‘Making Strange.’” Psychology in Society, vol. 57 (2018)
Truscott, Ross. “Empathy’s Echo: Post-apartheid Fellow Feeling.” Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies, vol. 17, no. 2 (2016)
Truscott, Ross. “Postapartheid Rhythm: Beyond Apartheid Beatings.” Subjectivity, vol. 9 (2016)
Truscott, Ross. “The Dream of the Royal Road: Psychoanalysis and the Post” Cultural Critique, vol. 108 (Summer 2020),
Truscott, Ross. Review of Ambivalent: Photography and Visibility in African History, Patricia Hayes and Gary Minkley (eds). Kronos: Southern African Histories, vol. 46 (Nov. 2020), special edition Other Lives of the Image
Truscott, Ross. Review of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in South Africa: Contexts, Theories and Applications by Cora Smith, Glenys Lobban and Michael O’Loughlin (eds), Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, vol. 22, (2016)
Van Bever Donker, Maurits (2023) “Interrupting, the Human: Imagining Freedom” in van Bever Donker, M and Scott, L., (Eds) Afrika Focus. Special Issue: Transformative Constitutionalism: What Human? Vol. 36 (2023), 41 – 57.
Van Bever Donker, Maurits & Scott, Lwando (2023) “Transformative Constitutionalism: What Human is Imagined in the “Human Rights” contained in the South African Constitution” in van Bever Donker, M and Scott, L., (Eds) Afrika Focus. Special Issue: Transformative Constitutionalism: What Human? Vol. 36 (2023), 1 – 10.
Van Bever Donker, Maurits, & Truscott, Ross (2023) “Apartheid and the Unconscious: An Introduction” in van Bever Donker, M and Truscott, R., (Eds) Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies. Special Issue: Apartheid and the Unconscious.
Van Bever Donker, Maurits (2022) ‘Wither the postcolonial?’ Kronos: Southern African Histories, 47 (2), special issue on “iMpuma-Koloni Bearings: An Other Cape?”
Van Bever Donker, Maurits. “The ‘Rough Edge of Deterritorialisation’: Contemplation.” Parallax, vol. 22, no. 2 (2016)
Van der Rede, Lauren. “Disappeared to Ethiopia’s Bermuda: Tales by a Puppet.” Kronos 44 (Dec. 2018)
Van der Rede, Lauren. “Rwanda: A Time.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, vol. 45, no. 4, (2018) Project MUSE
Yende, Sakhiseni Joseph, ‘Democratising the Music Curriculum: Integrating Ubuntugogy for the Africanisation of South African
Higher Education’, International Journal of Educational Development in Africa (2024).
Yende, Sakhiseni Joseph, ‘Unveiling Barriers: Challenges to Access High-Quality Education in South African Music Schools for Underprivileged and Marginalised Communities’. E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and
Social Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 12, (Sep 2024), pp. 40-50.