AVA podcast interview with, CHR Artist in Residence, Chumisa Fihle and Bruce Bowale

Cover Image: From AVA podcast series
Artist in Residence, Chumisa Fihle and Bruce Bowale, recently featured on Episode One of AVA’s podcast series titled ‘Lounge+’.
Episode 1: Home
In episode 1, Bruce Bowale and Chumisa Fihla discuss their current two-man show, the art of collaboration, and what “home” means in “LAGAE/KHAYALETHU”. Bruce, a multimedia artist originally from Limpopo, combines text and image to express his experience of moving from a rural to an urban space as a young child. Sculptor Chumisa also looks to his past, in particular to his father’s stories of the Eastern Cape, to create sculptures from scrap metal that evoke forgotten histories of his people and to pay homage to his roots. Tune in to hear more! With support from the National Arts Council.” From AVA.