Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive
Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive
Open Design Festival, Cape Town City Hall, 13 – 23 August 2014
Quarter Gallery, Regis Centre for Art, University of Minnesota, 18 November – 10 December 2014
In the 1980s and early 1990s, during a particularly intense phase of the struggle against apartheid, something quite remarkable and extraordinary happened in South Africa. Literally hundreds of ‘ordinary’ people, all belonging to one anti-apartheid organisation or another, interrupted their usual roles in everyday life – as workers, shop stewards, students and representatives of youth, community, church, labour and civic organisations. In so doing, they become something else – ‘artists’, makers of images. And in so becoming, they at once subverted the centuries-old notion that it was the Artist (with a capital A), trained in the methods, ideologies and formulations of the academy – the disciplinary ‘expert’ – who was the sole authoritative voice of cultural ‘truth’.
What these people, most of whom were aligned to the United Democratic Front (UDF), left behind was a plethora of hand-made posters. These were mostly made by using screenprinting as a means of mass production and communication. In making these posters, they were assisted by a small group of trained artists who believed in the idea of ‘art into life’, who saw their role as one of championing solidarity with the oppressed under apartheid, and who sought to reconfigure the idea of the artist as an individual author in favour of an ethos of collaboration. What the UDF and other organisations aligned to what was called the Mass Democratic Movement (MDM) required was the visual messaging of the anti-apartheid in public life. What artists offered was a strategy of enablement, a do-it-yourself (DIY) means of aesthetically messaging the anti-apartheid, and a co-operative pedagogy of doing, based on the ethics of ‘each one, teach one’. It was this synergy between the need for anti-apartheid messaging and the will of a small group of artists to facilitate collective and subversive political desire that nurtured the counter-culture poster movement of the 1980s and early 1990s.
Many of the posters were also made by this small band of artists. What all of them represent is a challenge to apartheid dictates, in particular what could be said and communicated, and who could say it, within a system of apartheid prescription, proscription, control and restriction through repressive law. What the posters represent therefore is not only a quest to be heard and acknowledged within a system of exclusion along racial, class and gender lines, but also a record of transgression of what may be thought and said. And, in challenging the norms of apartheid, they articulate a visual aesthetic of creative and political interruption and the avowal of an egalitarian future. Ironically, if it weren’t for apartheid, we wouldn’t have had the grand flowering of visuality by ‘ordinary’ and mainly working class people that constitutes the posters, as all of them are responses to, and evocations of, the burden of oppression.
In the South Africa of the 1980s and early ‘90s, resistance posters as subversions of apartheid prescribed thought by ‘ordinary’ people and some trained artists were produced mainly at the Screen Training Project (STP) in Johannesburg and at the Community Arts Project (CAP) in Cape Town, an organisation established to amplify and grow the cultural voice of the disempowered and the unheard under apartheid. Resistance posters were also produced elsewhere in South Africa – by Graphic Equaliser studio in Johannesburg, by small silkscreen units in communities, and by commercial presses allied to the liberation movement. In addition, they were produced by the MEDU Arts Ensemble in Botswana and by various international anti-apartheid movements in Europe, America and elsewhere.
‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’ consisted of mainly South African resistance posters, made by both ‘ordinary’ people and trained artists. The exhibition, however, was supplemented by a selection of international anti-apartheid posters. While the South African posters were all produced anonymously, so as to avoid persecution by apartheid’s security police, where possible the artists who made them were identified by name.
‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’ was curated by Emile Maurice on behalf of the CHR.
Rustum Carelse (stripped jacket) at the opening of the exhibition, ‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’, Open Design Festival, Cape Town City Hall, August 2014. Photograph: Derek Carelse
“Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project” exhibition, curated for the CHR by the late Emile Maurice was shown at the Open Design Festival, City Hall, August 2014. The exhibition was shown at the Regis Center for Art, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November – December 2014.
“Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project” exhibition, curated for the CHR by the late Emile Maurice was shown at the Open Design Festival, City Hall, August 2014. The exhibition was shown at the Regis Center for Art, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November – December 2014.
Patricia Hayes at the opening of the exhibition, ‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’, Open Design Festival, Cape Town City Hall, August 2014. Photograph: Suren Pillay
Heidi Grunebaum (second from left), Premesh Lalu (third from left) and Emile Maurice (fourth from left) at the opening of the exhibition, ‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’, Open Design Festival, Cape Town City Hall, August 2014. Photograph: Suren Pillay
Left to right: Premesh Lalu, unknown, Ruchi Chaturvedi and George Agbo, opening of the exhibition, ‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’, Open Design Festival, Cape Town City Hall, August 2014. Photograph: Suren Pillay
Opening of the exhibition, ‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’, Open Design Festival, Cape Town City Hall, August 2014. Photograph: Suren Pillay
Opening of the exhibition, ‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’, Open Design Festival, Cape Town City Hall, August 2014. Photograph: Suren Pillay
Left to right: Premesh Lalu, Ciraj Rassool and Ruchi Chaturvedi, opening of ‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’, Open Design Festival, Cape Town City Hall, August 2014. Photograph: Suren Pillay
Invitation to the exhibition, ‘Interruptions: Posters from the Community Arts Project Archive’, Quarter Gallery, Regis Center for Art, University of Minnesota, 18 November – 10 December 2014
South African resistance posters: selected images
National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), Mayday 1991: Jobs Before Profits, 1991. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artists: Probably Lionel Davis, Martin Stevens, Gabby Cheminais and others from the CAP Media Unit. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU), Have you joined NEHAWU? 1990. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), COSATU Rally, 1987. Silkscreen poster printed at Esquire Press, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Let’s Fight for Our Rights: Farmworkers! 1988. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
John Gomas Memorial Trust, Launch, 1993. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist: Jon Berndt. CAP Collection, CHR/UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Women Workers! Unite & Fight for Your Rights, 1988. Offset litho poster. Place of production and printing unknown. Artist: Trish de Villiers. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Cape Youth Congress (CAYCO), June 16: Viva the Youth, c 1986. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
United Democratic Front (UDF), Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), National Education Crisis Committee (NECC), Stay-Away: June 16 – S.A. Youth Day, c 1987. Offset litho poster printed at Esquire Press, Athlone Industria, Cape Town. Artist unknown. Esquire Press was one of two commercial presses in Athlone allied to the liberation movement. The other was S & S Printers. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Organisation unknown, Mass Action for People’s Power: June 16, 1991. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist: Xolile Mtakatya. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Organisation unknown, Forward to the Militant and Defiant Spirit: June 16, c 1986. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Organisation unknown, Release Mandela, c 1988. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Organisation unknown, Welcome Home, 1990. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Community Arts Project (CAP), Looking Back, 1989. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Organisation unknown, Breaking the Silence, 1986. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist: Zapiro (Jonathan Shapiro). CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Arts Festival 86 Committee, Calling All Artists, 1986. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP Collection, CHR / UWC, Cape Town. Artists: Gaby Cheminais, Angela Ferreira and Emile Maurice. CAP Collection, CHR/UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Arts Festival 86 Committee, About Time: Images of South Africa, 1986. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP Collection, CHR / UWC, Cape Town. Artists: Gaby Cheminais, Angela Ferreira and Emile Maurice. CAP Collection, CHR/UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Grassroots Community Newspaper, Youth Jive, c 1986. Offset litho poster printed at Esquire Press, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Community Arts Project (CAP), Our Culture, Our Strength, 1987. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Alexander Sinton Senior Secondary School, The Trojan Women, 1984. Silkscreen poster printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist: Randy Hartzenberg. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Rock Against Management (RAM), Malopoets; David Kramer, 1981. Offset litho poster printed at Esquire Press, Cape Town. Artist: probably Clive Helfet. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Community Arts Project (CAP), Bands, 1989. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town, for a CAP festival of the arts. Artist(s) unknown: CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Azanian People’s Organisation (AZAPO), Azanian Students’ Movement (AZASM), Azanian Youth Organisation (AZAYO), September 12: Biko Day, 1987. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown: CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Cape Youth Congress (CAYCO), Save the Patriots, 1988. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Organisation unknown, Salute Our Hero Basil February, 1987. Silkscreen poster. Place of production and printing unknown. Artist unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
United Democratic Front (UDF), Don’t Vote in Apartheid Elections! 1984. Offset litho poster produced at the Screen Training Project (STP) and printed at Sham’s Printers, Benoni, near Johannesburg. UDF logo designed by Carl Becker and Fazel Mamdoo; artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
United Democratic Front (UDF), Forward to People’s Power, 1987. Offset litho poster produced and printed in Cape Town. Artist: Zapiro (Jonathan Shapiro). CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Conville Civic, Say No to Increases! 1990. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Belhar Civic, Saamstaan en Wen (Stand Together and Win), 1989. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Organisation unknown, Asiyi eKhayelitsha (We will not go to Khayelitsha), 1985. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC -Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Call of Islam, Rates Up Again, c 1988. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP Collection,, Cape Town. Artist(s) unknown. CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
End Conscription Campaign (ECC), Soldiers Out of the Schools, 1986. Silkscreen poster produced and printed in Johannesburg at the Screen Training Project (STP). Artist(s): Probably Marlene Powell, Isabel Thompson, Parat and Patrick Cockayne. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
End Conscription Campaign (ECC), Mannetjie - Didn’t They Tell You? (Literally Little Man - Didn’t They Tell You?), 1984. Silkscreen poster printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artists: Marlene Powell, Justin Wells and others on the Cape Town ECC Committee. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
End Conscription Campaign (ECC), Vigil to Support Ivan Toms, 1987. Silkscreen poster produced and printed in Johannesburg. Artist(s): Probably Marlene Powell, Isabel Thompson, Parat and Patrick Cockayne. CAP Collection, CHR/UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Molo Songololo, The Future is Ours, 1988. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist: Gaby Cheminais. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
African National Congress (ANC), Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), South African Communist Party (SACP), Action for Democracy: Occupy the Cities, 1991. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Cape Youth Congress (CAYCO), Unban the ANC! Forward to Socialism! c 1988. Silkscreen poster produced and printed at CAP, Cape Town. Artist: Shelley Sacks. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Transvaal Indian Congress (TIC) for the Freedom Charter Campaign Committee, The Freedom Charter, 1985. Artist(s) unknown. CAP Collection, CHR / UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
International Resistance posters
Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland (AABN) (Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands) & Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (KZA) (Holland Committee on Southern Africa), Z Afrikaanse Vrouwendag (S African Women’s Day), undated. Offset litho poster printed and produced in Amsterdam. Artist unknown. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
United Nations Centre Against Apartheid in Co-operation with the Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands, Women Against Apartheid, 1984. Offset litho poster printed in Amsterdam. Artists: Lies Ros, Frank Beekers, Rob Schroder. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Stichting Malibongwe (Malibongwe Foundation), Malibongwe, 1990.Offset litho poster produced and printed in Amsterdam. Artists: Victor Levie & Frank Langedijk. Photographs: Pieter Boersma (large) & Cedric Nunn (small). Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland (AABN) (Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands), Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland,1976.Offset litho poster produced and printed in Amsterdam. Artist: Willem Vleeschouwer. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland (AABN) (Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands), Angola bevrijd; Vrijheid voor Zuidelijk Afrika (Angola freed; Freedom for South Africa), 1975. Offset litho poster printed in Amsterdam. Artist unknown. CAP Collection, UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
British Anti-Apartheid Movement, Release Mandela, c 1988. Offset litho poster produced and printed in London. Artist: Surinder Singh. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (KZA) (Holland Committee on Southern Africa), 26 Years of Imprisonment: Freedom for Nelson Mandela, 1988. Offset litho poster produced and printed in Amsterdam. Design: Parallax Vormgevers. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
African National Congress (ANC), Free Mandela, c 1988. Offset litho poster printed by Caledonian Press, Watford, Herts, England. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (KZA) (Holland Committee on Southern Africa), Werkgroep Kairos (Working Group Kairos), Oliie Boycot Zuid-Afrika (Oil Boycott of South Africa), c 1978. Offset litho poster printed in Amsterdam. Artist unknown. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Boycot Outspan Actie (BOA) (Boycott Outspan Action), Reclame Code: Pers Geen Zuid-Afrikaan Uit! (Reclame Committee: Don’t Squeeze a South African Dry!) c 1975. Offset litho poster printed in Leiden, Holland. Artist unknown. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Boycot Outspan Actie (BOA) (Boycott Outspan Action), Outspan Bloedsinaasappels: Pers Geen Zuid-Afrikaan Uit! (Outspan Blood Oranges: Don’t Squeeze a South African Dry!), 1973. Offset litho poster printed in Leiden, Holland. Artist Rob van der Aa. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (KZA) (Holland Committee on Southern Africa), Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland (AABN) (Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands), Verzet (Resistance), 1988. Offset litho poster printed by Meboprint, Amsterdam. Artist: Christa Jesse. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (KZA) (Holland Committee on Southern Africa), Anti-Apartheids Beweging Nederland (AABN) (Anti-Apartheid Movement Netherlands), Tuislanden, 1988. Offset litho poster printed by Meboprint, Amsterdam. Artist: Christa Jesse. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (KZA) (Holland Committee on Southern Africa), Werkgroep Kairos (Working Group Kairos), (S)hell in Zuidelijk Afrika [(S)hell in Southern Africa], 1978. Offset litho poster printed in Amsterdam. Artist unknown. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Boycot Outspan Actie (BOA) (Boycott Outspen Action), Kunstenaars Tegen Apartheid (Artists Against Apartheid), 1985. Offset litho poster printed in Leiden, Holland. Image previously used for a 1978 poster issued by the United Nations (UN). Artist: Gavin Jantjes. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
British Anti-Apartheid Movement, A South African policeman, judge and executioner, 1971. Offset litho poster printed in London. Artist unknown. Collection: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives