Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Buti Manamela, visits the CHR, March 2024

Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Buti Manamela visits the Iytasiba Lab, March 2024 - photo by Simone Momple
The CHR was visited by the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Buti Manamela, in March 2024.
During his tour of the Iyatsiba Lab we spoke about the importance of Arts education in South Africa and the need to revitalise the study of the humanities. Minister Manamela also received a report on the CHRs NRF-DSI Flagship Award and the support of the NIHSS. He was most impressed with the work being done in connecting the arts, natural and physical sciences, and community initiatives in building a non-racial future by connecting rural and urban youth initiatives.