Cesare Casarino visits the CHR

The CHR welcomes Professor of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Minnesota, Cesare Casarino. Professor Casarino will be co-teaching a course on ‘Global Aparthied’ at the CHR and will take part in other activities over the course of his visit.
He is the author of Modernity at Sea: Melville, Marx, Conrad in Crisis (University of Minnesota Press, 2002), co-author of In Praise of the Common: A Conversation on Philosophy and Politics (University of Minnesota Press, 2008) with Antonio Negri, co-editor of Another Mother: Diotima and the Symbolic Order of Italian Feminism (University of Minnesota Press, 2018) with Andrea Righi, co-editor of Marxism Beyond Marxism (Routledge, 1996) with Saree Makdisi and Rebecca Karl, as well as co-translator with Vincenzo Binetti of Giorgio Agamben’s Means without End (University of Minnesota Press, 2000). He is also co-editor of the journal Cultural Critique. His essays on literature, cinema, and philosophy have appeared in boundary 2, differences, October, Raritan, Angelaki, Paragraph, Parallax, Kronos, Critical Inquiry, Qui Parle, Social Text, Arizona Quarterly, and The Minnesota Review.