
 Aaron Kamugisha

University of the West Indies

Aaron Kamugisha is a Caribbean literary and political theorist at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. He did his PhD Social and Political Thought at York University in Toronto. His current work is a study of coloniality, cultural citizenship and freedom in the contemporary Anglophone Caribbean, mediated through the social and political thought of C.L.R. James and Sylvia Wynter.

July 23, 2020

Green Screen

Green Screen, a newly launched work of creative nonfiction, follows the life of a film set created for a commercial by a team of artisans in Salt River, Cape Town, and how it morphs into a surprising series of second lives. The reader navigates this digital storymap online through a series of geolocations, visuals and text, authored by Kim Gurney and published by CHR.