Book Chapters List

Contributions by Staff and Fellows of the Centre for Humanities Research to edited volumes represent a diverse engagement with the centre’s academic inquiries. The following list shows publications from the latter years of the centre’s output.
- Bidandi, Fred. “The City as an Experimental Space: The Interface between Public Satisfaction and Effects on Urban Planning Resulting from Kampala City’s Sprawl,” in Mustafa Ergen (ed), Urban Agglomeration. InTech, 2018.
- Erasmus, Aidan. “Re-cover: Afrikaans Rock, Apartheid’s Children and the Work of the Cover,” in Maurits van Bever Donker, Ross Truscott, Gary Minkley, and Premesh Lalu (eds), Remains of the Social: Desiring the Post-apartheid. Wits University Press, 2017.
- Arunima, Patricia Hayes, and Premesh Lalu. “Love and Revolution: An Introduction,” in G. Arunima, Patricia Hayes, and Premesh Lalu (eds), Love and Revolution in the Twentieth-Century Colonial and Postcolonial World: Perspectives from South Asia and Southern Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
- Gachago, Daniela, and Sykes, Pam. “Navigating Ethical Boundaries When Adopting Digital Storytelling in Higher Education,” in Grete Jamissen, Pip Hardy, Yngve Nordkvelle, and Heather Pleasants (eds), Digital Storytelling in Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
- Grunebaum, Heidi. “A Question of Place,” in Heidi Grunebaum and Kurt Campbell (eds), Athlone in Mind. Centre for Humanities Research, 2017.
- Grunebaum, Heidi. “Between Nakba, Shoah and Apartheid: Notes on a Film from the Interstices,” in Fazil Moradi, Ralph Buchenhorst, and Maria Six-Hohenbalken (eds), Memory and Genocide: On What Remains and the Possibility of Representation. Routledge, 2016.
- Grunebaum, Heidi. “Freeing the Image and Cinematic Justice: Non-Partitioned Aesthetics in Kamal Aljafari’s Recollection,” in Brinda Bose (ed), Humanities. Provocateur: Towards a Contemporary Political Aesthetics. Bloomsbury, 2021.
- Grunebaum, Heidi. “Reflections in a Mirror: From South Africa to Palestine/Israel and Back Again,” in Jon Soske and Sean Jacobs (eds), Apartheid Israel: The Politics of an Analogy. Haymarket, 2015.
- Grunebaum, Heidi. “Ruins,” in Felicitas Macgilchrist and Rosalie Metro (eds), Trickbox of Memory: Essays on Power and Disorderly Pasts. Punctum, 2020.
- Grunebaum, Heidi. “Unseaming Images: The Limits and Possibilities for Reconfiguring Albums of Complicity,” in Leora Farber and Claire Jorgensen (eds), Critical Addresses: The-Archive-In-Process. Jacana Press, 2017.
- Grunebaum, Heidi. “Zanzibar, circa 1996,” in Isabel Balseiro and Zachariah Rapola (eds), The Passport That Does Not Pass Ports: African Literature of Travel in the Twenty-First Century Michigan State University Press, 2020.
- Hayes, Patricia, and Gary Minkley. “Africa and the Ambivalence of Seeing,” in Patricia Hayes and Gary Minkley (eds), Ambivalent: Photography and Visibility in African History. Ohio University Press, 2019.
- Hayes, Patricia. “Empty Photographs: Ethnography and the Lacunae of African History,” in Patricia Hayes and Gary Minkley (eds), Ambivalent: Photography and Visibility in African History. Ohio University Press, 2019.
- Hayes, Patricia. “Northern Exposures. The Photography of C.H.L. Hahn, Native Commissioner of Ovamboland 1915-1946,” in Jung Ran Forte, Paolo Israel, and Leslie Witz (eds), Out of History: Re-imagining South African Pasts. HSRC Press, 2016.
- Hayes, Patricia. “Political Funerals in 1980s South Africa: Photography, History, and the Refusal of Light,” in G. Arunima, Patricia Hayes, and Premesh Lalu (eds), Love and Revolution in the Twentieth-Century Colonial and Postcolonial World: Perspectives from South Asia and Southern Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
- Highman, Kate. “‘The Narcissism of Small Differences’: Plagiarism in South African letters,” in Elleke Boehmer, Rouven Kunstmann, Priyasha Mukhopadhyay, and Asha Rogers (eds), The Global Histories of Books: Methods and Practices. Palgrave MacMillan, 2017.
- Lalu, Premesh. “The Absent Centre: Human Capital, Nationalism and the Postcolonial Critique of Apartheid,” in Jung Ran Forte, Paolo Israel, and Leslie Witz (eds), Out of History: Re-imagining South African Pasts. HSRC Press, 2016.
- Lalu, Premesh. ““Between History and Apocalypse: Stumbling,” in Heidi Grunebaum and Kurt Campbell (eds), Athlone in Mind. Centre for Humanities Research, 2017.
- Lalu, Premesh. “Bruce Lee, Steve Biko, Dollar Brand: Brothers with Perfect Timing or Everybody was Kung-fu Fighting,” in Elena Agudio, Marius Babias, Bonaventure Soh, Bejeng Ndikung, and Storm Janse van Rensburg (eds), Giving Contours to Shadows. Walther Konig Publishers, 2015.
- Lalu, Premesh. “Re-thinking the Human Condition: Brian O’Connell’s Vision for the Humanities at UWC,” in Ramesh Bharuthram and Larry Pokpas (eds), From Hope to Action Through Knowledge: The Renaissance of the University of the Western Cape. UWC Press, 2020.
- Lalu, Premesh. “Sadness, as such….,” in G. Arunima, Patricia Hayes, and Premesh Lalu (eds), Love and Revolution in the Twentieth-Century Colonial and Postcolonial World: Perspectives from South Asia and Southern Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
- Lalu, Premesh. “The Trojan Horse and the Becoming Technical of the Human,” in Maurits van Bever Donker, Ross Truscott, Gary Minkley, and Premesh Lalu (eds), Remains of the Social: Desiring the Post-apartheid. Wits University Press, 2017.
- Lalu, Premesh. “The Virtual Stampede for Africa: Digitization, Postcoloniality and Archives of the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa,” in Divya Diwedi and Sanil V (eds.) The Public Sphere From Outside the West. Bloomsbury Press, 2015.
- Layne, Valmont, and Sylvia Bruinders. ‘Tracing the Indian Ocean at the Cape Locating Performance and Writing Practices of the Cape Muslim Community’. In Sounding the Indian Ocean: Musical Circulations in the Afro-Asiatic Seascape, edited by J. Sykes and J. Byl. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2023.
- Nefdt, Ryan M. “Linguistics as a Science of Structure,” in James McElvenny (ed.), Form and Formalism in Linguistics, Language Science Press, 2019.
- Pillay, Suren. “Why 1994 matters: rethinking reconciliation in South Africa and Rwanda,” in Kate Lefko-Everett, Rajan Govender, and Don Foster (eds.), Rethinking Reconciliation. HSRC Press, 2017.
- Rantala, Janne. “Memória Públicae antepassados políticos’ através do RAP Moçambicano,” in Tirso Sitoe and Paula Guerra (eds), Reinventar o Discurso e o Palco: O RAP, entre saberes locais e olhares globais. Universidade do Porto, 2019.
- Scott, Lwando. “Harnessing the Power of Queerness,” in Kim Windvogel and Kelly-Eve Koopman (eds), They Called Me Queer. NB Publishers, 2019.
- Scott, Lwando. “Paradoxes of Racism: Whiteness in Gay Pages Magazine,” in Shona Hunter and Christi van der Westhuizen (eds), Routledge Handbook of Critical Studies in Whiteness. Routledge, 2022.
- Scott, Lwando. “Queering the Postcolony: Same-Sex Desire and Xhosa Culture in Postcolonial South Africa,” in Zowie Davy, Ana Cristina Santos, Chiara Bertone, Ryan Thoreson, and Saskia E. Wieringa (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities. SAGE Publications, 2020.
- Scott, Lwando. “‘Sy is n’ Eendjie Van Ander Dam’: Race, Class, and Sexual Identity Intersections in Same-Sex Marriage,” in B. Camminga and Zethu Mathabeni (eds), Beyond The Mountain: Queer Life in Africa’s Gay Capital. UNISA Press, 2019.
- Taylor, Jane. “Home is Where the Heart Is: A Creative and Theoretical Reflection,” in Merle A. Williams (ed), Hospitalities: Transitions and Transgressions, North and South. Routledge, 2020.
- Taylor, Jane. “Newes From the Dead” in Brett Gamboa and Lawrence Switzky (eds), Shakespearean Theatre and the Non-Human World in History, Theory, and Performance. Routledge, 2019.
- Taylor, Jane. “Of Hypocrisy: ‘Wherein the Action and Utterance of the Stage, Bar, and Pulpit are Distinctly Consider’d’,” in Milija Glohovic and Jisha Menon (eds), Performing the Secular. Routledge, 2017.
- Truscott, Ross, and Derek Hook. “The Vicissitudes of Anger: Psychoanalysis in the Time of Apartheid,” in Matt Ffytche and Daniel Pick (eds), Psychoanalysis in the Age of Totalitarianism. Routledge, 2016.
- Truscott, Ross. “The Return of Empathy: Post-Apartheid Fellow Feeling,” in Maurits van Bever Donker, Ross Truscott, Gary Minkley, and Premesh Lalu (eds), Remains of the Social: Desiring the Post-apartheid. Wits University Press, 2017.
- Truscott, Ross. “Whiteness studies and psychoanalysis. Critical Whiteness Studies in Education Encyclopaedia,” in Zachery A. Casey (ed), Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education. Brill, 2020.
- Van Bever Donker, Maurits, Ross Truscott, Gary Minkley, and Premesh Lalu. “Traversing the Social,” in Maurits van Bever Donker, Ross Truscott, Gary Minkley, and Premesh Lalu (eds), Remains of the Social: Desiring the Post-apartheid. Wits University Press, 2017.
- Van Bever Donker, Maurits. “The Principle of Insufficiency,” in Maurits van Bever Donker, Ross Truscott, Gary Minkley, and Premesh Lalu (eds), Remains of the Social: Desiring the Post-apartheid. Wits University Press, 2017.
- Van der Rede, Lauren, and Aidan Erasmus. “Eddies and Entanglements: Africa and the Global Mnemoscape,” in Jie-Hyun Lim and Eve Rosenhaft (eds), Mnemonic Solidarity: Entangled Memories in the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
- Williams, John J., and Fred Bidandi. “Formal Urban Dynamics, Policy and Implications on Urban Planning: Perspectives on Kampala, Uganda,” in Jorge Rocha and José António Tenedório (eds), Spatial Analysis, Modelling and Planning. IntechOpen, 2018.
- Wolff, Ilze. “Introduction,” in Kemang Wa Lehulere, Birdsong. Hatje Cantz, 2017.
- Wolff, Ilze. “Introduction,” in Masixole Feni Drain on our Dignity: An Insider’s Perspective. Jacana Media, 2017.