Dr. Warren Critchlow
York University Toronto, Canada
Dr. Warren Crichlow is Associate Professor (Emeritus) at York University Toronto, Canada where he teaches cultural studies and education. He is most recently a co-editor of Spaces of New Colonialism: Reading Schools, Museums and Cities in the Tumult of Globalization (Peter Lang, 2020), and Curricular and Architectural Encounters with W. G. Sebald: Unsettling Complacency, Reconfiguring Subjectivity (Routledge, 2022). His Prodigious Presence: After the Door of No Return appears in the Spring 2023 issue of Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies: Special Issue on Dionne Brand’s A Map to the Door of No Return at 20. His writing on film and moving-image installation includes Baldwin’s Rendezvous with the Twenty-first Century: I am Not Your Negro. Film Quarterly (2017) and (with Kass Banning) A Grand Panorama: Isaac Julien, Frederick Douglass, and Lessons of the Hour. Film Quarterly (2020). In 2021 he organized the panel, Portraiture and Other Lives of the Image for the international Black Portraitures conference held in Toronto, Canada. Evoking the concept “other lives of the image” (Kronos: Southern African Histories # 46, 2020), the panel addressed conceptual work emerging from a new generation of African scholars whose collective work re-routes global debates on photographic archives through multiple temporalities and humanities-based scholarship on Africa more generally. Over the past twenty-years he has served on the Board of Advisors for WEDGE Curatorial Projects (WCP Toronto), a non-profit organization focused on exhibition and public programming of contemporary black Canadian and diasporic art; and The Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA Toronto), a public gallery focused on contemporary photographic, media and digital arts through exhibitions, public programmes, and related activities, including the publication of Prefix Photo Magazine (2000-2020). He is chairperson of the Board of Advisors, Art Gallery York University (AGYU), a public university-affiliated, non-profit contemporary art gallery serving the university and greater Toronto community.