Ina Kerner
Ina Kerner is a political theorist and Assistant Professor at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Women and Gender at the Technical University of Berlin. After studying in Berkeley, Bonn, Quetzaltenango, Chapel Hill and at the Free University Berlin, she has been a junior faculty member at Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, the political science department of the Free University Berlin and a Visiting Assistant Professor at the New School for Social Research in New York. Since 2006, she holds a Ph.D. which she has gained with a thesis on forms and accounts of racism and sexism (Differenzen und Macht. Zur Anatomie von Rassismus und Sexismus. Campus 2008). Her research interests include political theory, feminist and gender theories, postcolonial studies as well as questions of diversity and intersectionality.