Ute Holl
Ute Holl had worked as filmmaker and commissioning editor in Hamburg, Germany, before writing her dissertation on cinematic perception, anthropological filmmaking and cybernetics as critical epistemology, a book published as Kino, Trance und Kybernetik, Berlin 2002. An English translation was published by Amsterdam University Press (Cinema, Trance and Cybernetics, 2017). She has then written on music, electro-acoustics and politics (Moses-Komplex, Zürich 2014) and held commissioned professorships in Weimar and Cologne. Since 2009 Ute Holl is professor for Media Aesthetics at the University of Basel. Focus of research: History of perception in the 19th and 20th century; Science and technology studies of audiovisual media; media history of acoustics and electro-acoustics as well as radio theory; experimental and ethnographic cinema.