‘Sensory Experiments, Sensory Orders, and Aesthetic Education’, by Premesh Lalu.
Erica Fretwell's Sensory Experiments: Psychophysics, Race, and the Aesthetics of Feeling (2020) raises crucial questions about the making of a concept of difference through marshaling the senses to the ends of a sensory order in postbellum United States....
'Unseating Mastery: The University and the Promise of the New’, by Premesh and Erich Hörl
This conversation between Erich Hörl and Premesh Lalu draws on their extended conversation on efforts to link discordant temporal and spatial encounters with the idea of the university and how, more importantly, to care for the future of its educational responsibilities....
Waystations of Desire: From Infrastructural Critique to Anticolonial Praxis, by Nancy Luxon
Modernity finds itself in a dissociated state, that is, unable to attach its social energies and political desires to a political vision that resonates and coheres....
The Other Universals Consortium and CODESRIA invite you to a webinar with Professor Mahmood Mamdani about his new book Neither Settler Nor Native:The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities.
Professor Patricia Hayes of the CHR will be in conversation with Professor Tamar Garb of UCL about Ambivalent: Photography and Visibility in African History
Friday February 5th marks the 40th anniversary for the Handspring Puppet Company, collaborators in the aesthetic endeavours of the CHR, most particularly as creative mentors to the Ukwanda Puppetry and Design Collective, as well as the Laboratory of Kinetic Objects (LoKO).